The plans for the next trail ride on May 26-27 are going full steam ahead now. Prize bags are being filled. Ribbons are ordered. The barn is being readied. The crew is gearing up for the best ride yet. I think we are getting better all the time with our rides. I was very pleased with our ride in November but we are not going to rest and say that was the best we could do. We are full speed ahead. We hope you will be able to join us. There will be more great pictures that will be posted before the ride from previous rides.
Even if you don't ride, come and enjoy the food and the friends. We do not charge a fee to get on the grounds. We will be having the Lawsons to entertain on Saturday night and there will be no charge for anyone to attend.
We still have our past crew in place. David and Mike will be taking care of the barn and parking. You may remember David. He was everywhere. Helping people park, carrying water etc. He was doing his best to make everyone feel welcome.
Mary Beth and her husband Mike are taking care of the food. They are the planning good menus again. They are making some changes to the menu but they are going to be serving up the same high quality food at low prices.
Debbie and Natalie are once again taking care of the check ins. You will stop at the camper to check in and get stall and parking assignments and to pay your fees. This really worked well on the last trail ride. We have 16 stalls available and you will need to reserve a stall on the ACTHA web site. I do not want to over or under book stalls.
Lucy will be behind the camera again. She takes some really good pictures and she and Jessica make them available for a very reasonable price. They take hundreds of pictures and they are very good.
Bob is planning the obstacles. It is not easy to come up with new variations on the list of obstacles that is available for our use but he somehow does it for every ride we have. The trails have taken some hits with all the storms we have had this spring. But they are getting back in order.
Bob will lead our Cowboy Church on Sunday morning. He always has good insight to the Scription and he applies it to everyday life.
ACTHA has changed the rule on sign ups for the rides. There is no longer any way that a rider can sign up at the last minute. You must sign up on their web site before the ride closes.
We are very excited to be a host for these rides. We try our best to make them the best ever. We know we make mistakes despite our best efforts but we do try to be as fair as we possibly can be. We try to to treat everyone as honored guests and that is what you are.
So watch for more news. I will be sending you emails as we have new updates.
We hope you will spread the news of our upcoming ride. If you can't personally attend the ride we will miss each of you but we hope you will be telling everyone that we are hosting another ride and if you can pray for us that we can honor God our creator in all that we do.
May God bless and keep you in his loving care.
Mary Lipginski
A horse can lend its rider the special speed and strength he or she lacks but the rider who is wise remembers it is no more than a loan.
Pam Brown from Chicken Soup for the Horse Lover's Soul
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