Today the horses got out. All the horses from behind the barn was in David's yard when he got up this morning. He called me to let me know they were out and to get some help getting them back in their field.
I went to the barn and there they were in the camper yard.
We started rounding up horses. By this time they were running into the barn. They soon run through the open gate and back outside the barn to their field. We walked over to talk to them. I asked them why they would want to escape out of their nice pasture.
Flair for Fury was their spokes person. But the others soon added their complaints to Flair's tale of woe.
Flair told us they had been following the Wall Street Occupiers on their Iphones. I knew then it was a mistake to let them have Iphones. I asked them what they had been seeing about the Wall Street Occupiers and what was that all about.
Here was their story.
"We got the idea of our escape by watching the news about all the Wall Street Occupiers across the country. We saw that the occupiers were active in Louisville and Lexington. That is close to us. We didn't know why they were protesting at first. Then we began to realize that they were protesting the unfairness of those who have so much and those who don't have what people on Wall Street do."
At this point I ask them who the Wall Street Occupiers actually are. I thought that was important to know.
Flair responded, "Well many of them are kids that don't have to work and don't have anything else to do because they are trust fund kids."
I knew that was right because I had seen one of them I knew on our local news that was exactly right. A trust fund kid who had never worked a day in her life.
Flair continued her story. "We have worked hard.'
At this point Velvet, Satin and Rockin Andi agreed. "Yes we have." said Rockin Andi. We have to ride people around. We have to go horse shows and they ride us whatever the weather is. It could be cold and raining and hot and humid and it doesn't make any difference. And how about training? We have to train. It doesn't matter whether it is cold or hot. Jamie was riding me in all kinds of weather. David rides me into water and up and down hills."
I stopped them at this point and reminded them that now they are like trust fund kids. They aren't working very much and they still get fed.
Satin now took over as spokes person. "Yes," she said, "but now we don't get as much feed as we used to get. We only have all the hay we can eat and all the water we can drink but we don't get oats but once a day."
"But don't you have everything you need, I asked? After all you all look pretty well cared for to me" I didn't want to hurt their feelings but I was thinking they were a little on the fat side.
"Well we do", Lady Ace, agreed, "But we deserve more."
"Why" I asked?
"We see everyone having more", Lady Ace continued. Look at Mini Cheese out there. She gets to run all over the farm whenever she wants to. She has all of that grass to herself. And besides that Cody gets to stay in the barn. He gets oats twice a day. I know that because he told me. Apple, Celine and Dixie get oats twice a day. Dixie told me she gets four scoops of oaks a day. It is unfair. That is why we escaped from our field and was in David's yard. We wanted to be occupiers."
At that point I told them if they tried that trick again I would be taking their Iphone away from them.
Well there it is. Life on the farm. You have your occupiers and we have ours.
May God bless and keep you in His loving care.
Well there it is. Life on the farm. You have your occupiers and we have ours.
May God bless and keep you in His loving care.
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