This is VBF Blue Ridge Mt Girl and me this spring. Picture by Lucy Cooper. The first picture is of WOF Drifter. The others are random pictures from shows last year. David is riding WOF Rockin Andi. This was the first horse that David ever rode here on the farm. Bob of course is with VBF Satin's Golden Venture. AKA Satin. Then there is Sky's on Fire. The stallion I bought last year. He is really something to see.
I go through my pictures at random times and enjoy looking back at pictures from shows, family events and baby pictures etc.
I have been sick. I really hate being sick I guess just like most everyone else. I have known people that I thought "enjoy poor health".
Anyway, I am better and starting to feel like myself again.
There are two big events going up on the same day in August. Why do I do these things to myself? I not going have the involvement of the up coming trail ride but I also told David I was not busy that day and he planned his grand reopening at his new business. He owns River Bend in Taylorsville now. I double booked. But everything is under control for both events.
David and his dad are in charge of planning the reopening. I have the ACTHA ride covered in Winchester and will leave that in good hands while I am enjoying the grand reopening.
So here is the deal on the ACTHA ride in Winchester, August 3-4. We will be having this ride on Saturday and Sunday. Saturday the 3rd is the deadline for entering the obstacle contest. We have a prize of $500 for the winning obstacle. If the winner is an ACTHA member and particates in the ride the week end of August 3-4 that will win an additional $250. If you are also a UMH member, you will win an additional prize, yet to be determined.
I hope I am completely recovered this Friday. Some of my high school friends and I are meeting in Midway for lunch and shopping. These are friends from over 55 years ago. Several of us have known each other since we were babies. That is a lot more than 55 years. Ouch that is 71 years ago. Last year to celebrated our 70 years some of us went to French Lick Indiana and spend a couple of days just hanging out together.
There was six of us. There was seven of us who spent the night at Mary Jane's house back in high school. At our 50th class reunion, we all had our pictures made together. The picture was titled "The Slumber Party Girls" At French Lick we were once again the Slumber Party girls. We had a lot of good stories and memories to share. It was nothing like our high school slumber party, of course, where we giggled and talked about boys. But we did a lot of laughing.
I hope to see you all there for the ACTHA ride or if not there, be in Taylorsville for the Grand Reopening of River Bend. We are having Judge Angus to play for the event. There will be a ribbon cutting on Saturday afternoon and fried chicken all day. Vic is going to be grilling all day too. Come for the fun and food and stay for the free concert by Judge Angus.
God bless and kindest regards
New friends are Silver. Old friends are Golden. And Donna Kay you are the most golden friend I have.
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