Sunday, September 9, 2012

Bob on Venture's Golden Satin. This was made during one of the Competitive Trail Rides sponsored by ACTHA. To learn more about ACTHA and their CTC programs go to Don't forget our ride on November 3-4. Prizes, beautiful scenery, challenging obstacles and fun will make it a day to remember.

"Do you remember"? That is the words of a song written after 9/11/2001.

It was a day none of us should ever forget. It was a day that death and fire rained down from the sky in New York City.

I remember another such day that is forever seared into my mind. The date was November 22, 1963.. It was also a day of death. Fire did not rain down from the sky but death was in the streets of Dallas Texas that day.

I was hanging clothes on the line in my back yard in Jeffersonville Indiana. My neighbor came out of the house and I stopped to talk to her. It was leaning over the fence in my back yard that I learned our young President had been shot and was most likely dead. I was very young and the thought of someone killing our President was the furtherest thing from my mind. The office of the Presidency changed hands that day and life went on.  But so many like me had lost a part of themselves.

Fast forward with me to the 1970s and the day the Supreme Court of the United States found a right our Founding Fathers would have never envisioned in the Constitution of the United States. That was also a day that death rained down on the ground of the United States. Death and destruction. Perhaps you don't remember that day as clearly as clearly as 9/11/2001. You may even be wondering what happened on that day.

It was the day that abortion was legalized in America under the guise of a constitutional right for women to choose. Some may agree it was a good decision but I bet most of you agree that it was a horrible misinterpretation of the Constitution. It is the day that led to the death of over 50 million American citizens. We are horrified that 9/11/2001 brought about the death of 3000 people but can you comprehend the death of over 50,000,000 people?

We are horrified at the death of people under Hitler that he was able to kill so many people. Not only Jews but those that were handicapped or political enemies. We see the pictures from the Holocaust and we are sickened. We see the pictures of people starving in other countries. Not just hungry but starving and we can hardly look we are so troubled.

Yet the world is a wonderful place. How can I say that with all that we see on the news every night?

God's creation is marvelous. It is man that has destroyed through the prompting of Satan who has come to "kill, steal and destroy". The work of Hitler was through the prompting of Satan. The work of John F Kennedy's assassin was the prompting of Satan. The work of the 9/11 terrorists was the work by the prompting of Satan. The killing of over 50,000,000 unborn babies is the work of Satan.

Why write of this in my blog? My blog are usually not so serious. Those of you who follow usually find them uplifting and often funny as I relate to life, horses and everyday living. Abortion is a horror to me just as the holocaust, John F Kennedy's murder and the 9/11 massacre.

As we approach the anniversary of that day in 2001, I am reading that those who are in charge of remembering that date, the Mayor of New York City has decided that God has no place in the ceremony. How can that be? What is he thinking? Does he not know that our nation has never prayed any harder than people prayed during that time? What about the 3,000? Does he think they did not pray as they realized death had come calling that day and they were about to meet their maker?

So here we are on the eve another Anniversary of the day the twin towers came crashing down.  And worse, the thing that we thought would never, could never happen, on our home soil happened. We have lost our way.  We have invited God out of the classroom and what do we see.  Kids murdering kids in schools.  We have taken the 10 commandments down because it may offend someone.  Murder in the classrooms offends me and a host of other people.Abortions are legal so the "Every child is a wanted child".   And yet we see more abuse than we have ever seen.  Babies forgotten in hot cars.  Babies and young children badly beaten to the point of death. Every day it seems there is another little coffin lowered into the ground because of the mistreatment by a care taker.

Are we as a society better off because these things have come to pass?  May God have mercy on our souls.

God bless and keep you in His loving care.



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