Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Picture This

Today this is how I am going to begin my story.  I put a picture of Sky's on Fire first and then the picture of WOF Dock's Velvet.  This week we have been breeding Sky to Velvet.  I have put his and her colors in to  the color coat calculator to determine what color we might get from this breeding.  The main colors we can get is red chocolate, red chocolate roan, bay roan and bay.  There is also a chance, very small chance, of blue roan.  We are excited , of course, to see what this breeding will bring.  So this week I am trying to "picture this" new foal that will be born this time next year and what it will look like.

Pictured with Velvet is this year's foal born late October.  Her name is WOF's Lady Liberty.  She is by RHF Benjamin Franklin.   Ben is a beautiful black stallion owned by Van Bert Farms.  It turned out to be a very good cross.  She has a beautiful head.  He neck fits very nicely into her shoulders and her back end matches the rest of her body.  I think she is a nicely put together filly.

Speaking of blessing from God.  I have a favorite scripture.  It is Romans 8:28 and it says, "For I know all things work together for good to those who love the Lord and who are called according to His purpose."  That does not say that everything is always going to go perfect for us.  It says that whatever happens, God will use for our good.  In that light, I am thinking of the new stallion prospect I bought last year.  I thought the stallion prospect, Black Jack was going to be the black stallion I would use for breeding my own mares.  He is absolutely beautiful and really put together nicely.  

Things happen and we decided to buy another black stallion prospect.  I liked him and I could see he was even better than Black Jack.  He is a younger horse.  Right now he is 18 months old and way too young to use to breed and certainly too young to put a rider on him to get him certified.  So it will be several more years before he is a breeding stallion but God sure blessed our farm with this stallion.  

Since these pictures was taken back in October he has put on weight and his neck has gotten thicker and he is really taking on the look of a stallion.  So exciting things are happening here on Whispering Oaks Farm.  We are involved in a breeding program that will be of benefit to our registered  Rocky Mountain Horses as well as those bred that will go into the KMSHA registry.  There would be no point in breeding to just have foals on the ground just because we like foals.  And I do love the foals we have.

  I love the spring time when we go to the field and find new baby calves and have new foals.  It is exciting to see the new life springing up all around.

It is the way God has of telling us that He believes in His creation.  The grass springs forth out of the brown earth.  Cows start to put their young on the ground.  We see deer with their fawns.  Dogs with new puppies and cats with a new litter of kittens.   Occasionally we will see a coyote and her litter of pups.  We catch an occasional glimpse of a baby bunny or a female coon with her young.  In the farm stores, I hear the cheerful sounds of baby chicks and ducks.  

All of it tells us that life is being renewed everywhere.

Right now we are coming upon winter.  In fact it feels like winter here today.  The grass has turned brown from the cold that has brought frost.  The horses and cows are putting on longer hair to help them survive the bitter cold that is bound to come.  The hay stacks are piled high with the hay that will bring the horses and cows through the long cold winter.  The winter that we know will  pass and usher in spring.

  This time of the year reminds me that winter will soon come to our lives as well.   As I get older, I am reminded every day that my life is coming to a close.  It could be years from now but no one knows the day or hour of their own death.  But like life on the farm I know even after death there will be a glorious spring.  A spring that I can't imagine for the eye has not seen nor the ear has heard the glory of heaven.  I am just on a journey here on this earth for heaven is my true home.  

I think of the times when I am away from home.  Bill and I traveled to Germany, Italy and France when our sons were stationed overseas.  They were all lovely trips.  I go to horse shows now and stay in nice motels with clean (I hope) rooms and beds that are made up for me every morning.  Fresh towels hang in the bathroom and any thing we have left out of place is put in order but yet I am so happy to get home.  It is my home.  Heaven is my real home and  I sometimes think of the day when I will be home again.

Some say there is no God and no after life.  I am sorry for them.  I saw a picture of an basketball player with tatoos all over his arms and I guess anywhere else a tatoo could be placed.   He said it was his identity.  It is who he is.  That is really sad.  I don't have a tatoo nor will I ever get one.  I know who I am without it.  I am a child of God.  That is my identity.  I am not just Mary Lipginski mother of........, widow of......., daughter of......., sister of .............  My real identity is  child of God.  My Jesus died so that I can someday go to my home in heaven.  That is who I am.

God bless each of you who read my blogs and happy trails to you.  And may you know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.

Mary Lipginski

Proverbs 1:7. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge but fools despise wisdom and instruction.  

In Psalms it says that a fool has said in his heart that there is no God.   


Thursday, November 7, 2013

Sky's on Fire Continued

There is a video on of Tuff Guy on the trails with Tammy.  Check it out.  He is a very brave horse.  And really a beautiful animal.  

Some call these two horses "rescues".  I'm not sure they fit the actual definition of "rescues".  I did pay for them.  It has cost me a pretty good amount of money to get Sky where he is today but it is my belief that Sky will be contributing to the Rocky Mountain and the Ky Mountain Horse breeds for years to come.  He has definitely added a wonderful element to Whispering Oaks Farm.  I want to thank his breeder for allowing me to buy him.  

I want to say that I do not accuse his owner of abuse.  Sky is such a sweet stallion and I don't believe he has ever been physically abused.  Sometimes people get in situations that the minimum is all they can do for their animals and he took the right steps to get these horses good homes and do better by them.  So I do not want my blogs to insinuate that this person is a bad person at all.  I admire him for putting them up for sale when he knew he needed to find them homes.  He definitely has a good eye for breeding.  Otherwise these two horses wouldn't be as well bred as they are.  Sky's breeding is exceptional and he is an exceptional horse. 

I can't say enough good about either of these horses.  They are sweet and kind and willing.

Yesterday I was with Chris and Stacie at Cool Shade.  Sky allowed me to pet him and be in his face.  He was good about me petting him and rubbing his face.  No meanness or attempts to nibble like some stallions.  He is such a joy to be around and it is such a pleasure to watch him under saddle.  

I hope you have enjoyed the first chapters of Sky and Guy's lives.  I look forward to the future when there will be more stories of Sky with pictures of his foals and of Guy when he finds the perfect home.  

God bless you all and happy trails to all of you.  Thanks for reading my blogs and for your kind remarks and comments.  

Mary Lipginski

Pleasant word are sweet as an honeycomb, sweet in the soul and health to the bones.
Proverbs 16:24

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Sky's on Fire

I have been asked by several people to tell Sky's story.  So here goes.  I hope I can tell it in a way to do him justice.

It was early December and we had an important errand to run.  First we had to deliver Velvet to Van Bert Farms for her date with a stallion called RHF Benjamin Franklin.  We left her  in capable hands and headed for the hills.  Actually the foothills of the Appalachians in Eastern Kentucky to look at a couple of horses a man had for sale.

After a about forty five minutes we arrived at the barn where the horses were stalled.  We met the owner's wife and were soon in the barn looking at the two horses we were there to buy.  The sun was bright for a December day but when I opened one of the stall doors it seemed dark.  Behind the closed door I could still see a horse that surprised me for the amount of bones I could see throughout his skinny body.  It was hard to tell what color he really was.

In the meantime the other stall door had been opened to a expose a very thin chocolate gelding.   The horses were led out to let us look at them in the sun light.  Both seemed very sweet and very willing to to do as asked.  I liked them but I just wasn't sure about what I was buying.

The check was signed, the horses were loaded and the papers were signed over.  We were on the road with the horses and on the way.  On the way home I stopped at the Park's Equine Clinic.  I had the two horses examined from head to hoof.  They pronounced them in good health all though very thin.

Late in the afternoon we got home with the two new horses.  We put them in stalls and looked them over.  I was still wondering what I was doing with two horses that looked like that.  I buy good horses that are beautiful and look like they are ready to go into the show ring or will be ready to show soon.  Or horses that I can get out on the trails.  These two looked like buzzard bait.  Poor things but the people at Whispering Oaks Farm love horses and will do what ever is necessary to take good care of any horse that comes to our farm.

The next morning we led the two horses out to the arena to let them get some exercise.  We were all watching to see what these two horses were going to do.  We didn't know how long they had been stalled up without being turned out   I did know that Sky had been shod back in the spring of 2011 and that he had lost his shoes in the stall.  His feet looked like they hadn't been trimmed since that time.  It was December of 2012.

They just stood there for a long time.  Sky and Guy were at their new home but they didn't seem to know what to do with an area larger than a 12x12 stall.  Finally Sky decided he would take a little run.  Guy just stood there and looked at him.  Finally he decided he would like to try that too so he started to run too.

Both of them stopped and sniffed the ground.  There was still some shoots of green grass.  Sky started picking around to grab a few bites.  Guy didn't know exactly what to do with it so it was sniffing around on this strange stuff on the ground.  Finally he too decided he might try it.  And he liked it.

More running, some grazing and some more running.  They were beginning to enjoy their new found freedom.  Then they rolled and rolled.  They were loving these "open spaces".   They went back in the stall that night while we were thinking about how to handle these two horses that hadn't had exercise for however long.  And we didn't know how long it had been.   The main thing was to make sure we didn't work them too hard, too fast.

After a few days we decided we would put them out with the cows.  This seemed to be a good idea.  They had to walk up the hill to eat the hay and back down the hill to get their water.  We also fed them by the barn  so they had to do some more walking to get there.

In February I thought I needed to take another course of action for Sky.  His mane had been combed out and a lot of mane had come out.  It was barely long enough to know he had an actual mane.  The farrier had been here and he and Guy each had a new hoof job.  Chris and Stacie had done his teeth and found he still had wolf teeth although one had been broken off.

So in February I loaded him up and headed to Chris and Stacie's stable.  This started the new chapter in Sky's life.  In the meanwhile, Guy stayed here to get his training under saddle here.

At that time, we were having show committee meetings every Tuesday.  I made it a point to leave early so I could go see Sky.  By this time, Chis had decided his name should actually be Darrell Strawberry because of his color.  He soon shortened it down to Strawberry.  And that is his barn name.  Every week it was thrilling to see how Sky was changing.  Stacie had already started with a daily routine of grooming.  His mane was still very short but it seemed every week, it had grown a little more.  She had his tail looking shiny and clean.  In the meantime, Chris was working on his diet.  He was gaining weight.  He was even putting a little muscle on.  They were putting him on the hot walker every day and riding him lightly.

Chris had started him out to make sure he would be ok for Stacie to ride but soon Stacie was riding him almost exclusively.  All the time, he was getting fed three times a day.  He was getting groomed and having the best of care.  He was getting basic training.  And most of all he was getting loved on and brushed and bathed every day.  He was rapidly responding to the special care he was getting every day.

Now let me say this about Sky, he was a sweet horse from the first day I laid eyes on him.  He had the most wonderful disposition I have ever seen on any horse.  But he bloomed under the care that Chris and Stacie have given him.  We decided that Sky would not be used for breeding until we got his mind straight about being ridden.  He was a six year old with a two year old mind as far as riding him.

Spring turned into summer and though Sky was making stunning progress yet we really didn't think he would be ready for any of the International or World Shows.  But still, here we were the end of August and Sky was in the show ring at the World Show in the conformation class and he won the reserve championship.  Under Saddle class saw Sky again getting a lot of attention.  No ribbon but we were all so proud of him.  All of what he was experiencing was new to him.  He had left the farm where I bought him, taken to WOF, then to Cool Shade and now to the World Show.  I can't tell you how proud I am of this horse.  And how thankful to Chris and Stacie for the care they have given him.

Every week brought new changes to Sky and his looks were improving every day.  By the time the RMHA International Show came around we were really excited about his progress.  Once again, he walked into the show ring and came out with the Reserve Grand Championship for stallions 6-9 years old.  Then he went on to win his under saddle class as the International Grand Champion Stallion in the 6-9 age group.

October came and he was in a totally new arena again at the KMSHA International Show.  No ribbons this time but he sure got a lot of looks.  Everyone loves his color, his disposition and his gait.

Today I took two mares to Cool Shade.  Both are going to be bred to Sky and I am very excited about the prospect of having two babies on the ground for him this time next year.

Sky's on Fire has a story like a fairy tale.  I am so bless by God that I have been a part of Sky's story.  And we are all a part of His Story.  We can find His Story in a series of 66 books.  These stories are found in the Bible.  Where do you fit into that story?  Read the book and find where you fit. I am happy to say I already know where I fit into the story. 

God bless all of you and happy trails.


Monday, July 15, 2013

This and That

This is VBF Blue Ridge Mt Girl and me this spring.  Picture by Lucy Cooper.  The first picture is of WOF Drifter.  The others are random pictures from shows last year.  David is riding WOF Rockin Andi.  This was  the first horse that David ever rode here on the farm.  Bob of course is with VBF Satin's Golden Venture.  AKA Satin.  Then there is Sky's on Fire.  The stallion I bought last year.  He is really something to see. 
I go through my pictures at random times and enjoy looking back at pictures from shows, family events and baby pictures etc.
I have been sick.  I really hate being sick I guess just like most everyone else.  I have known people that I thought "enjoy poor health". 
Anyway, I am better and starting to feel like myself again.
There are two big events going up on the same day in August.   Why do I do these things to myself?  I not going have the involvement of the up coming trail ride but I also told David I was not busy that day and he planned his grand reopening at his new business.  He owns River Bend in Taylorsville now.  I double booked.   But everything is under control for both events. 
David and his dad are in charge of planning the reopening.  I have the ACTHA ride covered in Winchester and will leave that in good hands while I am enjoying the grand reopening. 
So here is the deal on the ACTHA ride in Winchester, August 3-4.  We will be having this ride on Saturday and Sunday.  Saturday the 3rd is the deadline for entering the obstacle contest.  We  have a prize of $500 for the winning obstacle.  If the winner is an ACTHA member and particates in the ride the week end of August 3-4 that  will win an additional $250.  If you are also a UMH member, you will win an additional prize, yet to be determined.
I hope I am completely recovered this Friday.  Some of my high school friends and I are meeting in Midway for lunch and shopping.  These are friends from over 55 years ago.  Several of us have known each other since we were babies.  That is a lot more than 55 years.  Ouch that is 71 years ago.  Last year to celebrated our 70 years some of us went to French Lick Indiana and spend a couple of days just hanging out together. 
There was six of us.  There was seven of us who spent the night at Mary Jane's house back in high school.  At our 50th class reunion, we all had our pictures made together.  The picture was titled "The Slumber Party Girls"  At French Lick we were once again the Slumber Party girls.  We had a lot of good stories and memories to share.  It was nothing like our high school slumber party, of course, where we giggled and talked about boys.  But we did a lot of laughing.
I hope to see you all there for the ACTHA ride or if not there, be in Taylorsville for the Grand Reopening of River Bend.  We are having Judge Angus to play for the event.  There will be a ribbon cutting on Saturday afternoon and fried chicken all day.  Vic is going to be grilling all day too.  Come for the fun and food and stay for the free concert by Judge Angus. 
God bless and kindest regards
New friends are Silver.  Old friends are Golden.  And Donna Kay you are the most golden friend I have. 

Saturday, June 29, 2013

How I Spent My Saturday

I had a wonderful day today.  First I picked up a mare that was bred to an outside stallion.  Her baby has grown so much and she is really getting a pretty chocolate color with a white mane and tail.  Below is a not so good picture of WOF Livin the Dream.  She is following Mom out to the pasture after a long day on the horse trailer. 
This year I don't have a stallion to use for breeding.  Pictures 1, 3,4 and 6 are pictures of my stallion, Sky's on Fire.  He is the son of Sonny's Silver Dollar and is a coming 6 year old.  Sky hasn't been ridden enough to  get him ready to be a breeding stallion and still have his head on straight.  Chris and Stacie Tipton are doing a fantastic job with him getting him to work as he should under saddle.  Sky will be ready to stand as a breeding stallion this fall.  In the meantime, you will be seeing him at events such as the ACTHA rides and look for him at the World Show at the KEC  near Winchester.  Sky will be making a special appearance at the Parade of Stallions at the Rocky Mountain International Grand Championships in September and the Futurity in October at the KMSHA International Grand Championships. 
Sky is a very unusual color.  He is a red chocolate roan.  His color is really popping these days under the capable hands of the Tiptons.
Pictures 2 and 5 are of WOF King of Pop.  We call him Jackson.  Jackson is a yearling stud colt and will be appearing in the same shows that Sky will be in. 
So I had a pretty good day visiting with Chris and Stacie and with Toro at the Pruitt Farm near Mt Sterling.  It is always such a pleasure to be around people who know and love horses.  I learn so much from them.
Chris and Stacie gave us a short lesson on setting up a horse to show in a halter class.  I took Dereck along with me so that he too would learn about parking a horse out. 
So it was a good horse day.  Once I got home, I got an email from  a lovely lady I had sold a horse to last month.  Brandy and her friend Amy had taken their two horses that were bought from Whispering Oaks Farm to the mountains for a ride.  Every where Brandy goes with Titan, she is approached by strangers wanting to know about that horse she is riding.  She tells them that Titan is three years old and they are in utter disbelief that a horse that young will do what he does.  One man went so far as to look in his mouth to determine his age.
It is always a good day to hear of friends having a great time with a horse we have raised here on the farm.  Brandy is so excited about Titan.  He is a son of Venture's Black Fury and Blue Ridge Mt Girl, a mare that I own. 
David is so proud of Titan because he was the first horse he had gotten under saddle and now he is doing so well for his new owner.  The last three pictures are of Dah Polish Fury aka Titan.
So yes, I had a very good Saturday and now I am headed to bed to get rest so that I can have another good day tomorrow.  First I will be going to Bible Study in Joe Donaldson class at Southeast Christian Church and then on to church to sing, worship and learn more about Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.
So good night everyone.  Rest well and have a great day of praise and worship tomorrow and every day and remember when you think about your troublea to count your blessings as well. 
God bless and keep you in His loving care.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Derek working with Watch me Go.  AKA Phoenix

Phoenix is like his sire, Code of Honor.  He loves to have his picture made. Phoenix is two years old and is learning ground manners and how to work in the round pen.

 This is a coming two year old, Look at Me.  AKA  Poppy.  He is a beautiful red chocolate gelding.  He has been worked with and has been taught how wonderful it is to be around humans.  Lots of love, petting and scratching those itchy spots.  This boy has no "don't touch me there" spots.

Poppy has a beautiful white mane and tail.  He is a real looker.
I just let Erica out the door.  I saw a small animal in the back yard.  It was a possum.  Erica immediately ran out to investigate.  The possum dropped like it had been shot.  Erica smelled the small animal laying in the yard.  It kept laying there.  I came back into the house to allow Erica to play with her new found friend. 
I know how dogs play with there new  possum friends.  I remember one winter that my electricity was off because of the ice storm the region had experienced.  It was mid afternoon and I went to the creek to fill up jugs of water for the few horses I had then.  The dogs were all too eager to go with me for a run in the snow. 
I was busily filling the jugs when my eye caught a possum coming out of the woods and starting across the open field.   The dogs didn't miss the event either.  They made a run for their new playmate.  The possum did as all possums do.  It dropped like it was dead.  The dogs didn't understand the game their new friend was playing.
One of the dogs shook the possum with his paw.  The possum just laid there.  Another dog shook the possum.  The possum pretended to be dead.  The dogs kept rolling it over and over.  Finally it was no longer playing dead.
Now you may wonder why I didn't rescue the poor little animal.  It was because I really don't like possums.  And that is why I won't call Erica away from the possum tonight.
Possums carry a deadly disease that can infect horses and kill them.  There is very little that can be done.  The treatment is very costly and ineffective.  I once had a boarder that lost a horse to EPM.  It was a terrible thing to watch the poor animal suffer through.  Finally the owner gave the vet a word and the vet put the poor animal out of its misery. 
The one lesson that we can draw from the possum is how it protects itself.  It of course, plays dead hoping that it's pursuer will assume it is dead and leave it alone.  In the case of the dogs it did not work.
All animals and people for that matter have methods to protect themselves.  We have a couple of people that have worked here recently that really know very little about horses.  They are both very eager to learn.  The first thing I tell a person that has very little experience with horses is that horses are prey animals and that is the basis all of their actions.  We on the other hand are predators. When  you learn about horses you will learn about the different ways the eyes are set in a predators head versus how the prey animals eyes are located.  Look at picture number two above. 
By the way, these are two of the horses I currently have for sale.  The first is WOF Watch Me Go. My great granddaughter, Melissa calls him Phoenix and I like that.  The last two pictures are of WOF Look At Me.  AKA Poppy. 
Do you see the location of his eyes?  Phoenix can turn his head and see all around him.  That is important to a prey animal.  Horses are constantly aware of what is around them.  They are fair game for mountain lions.  Now you may be saying to yourself, "There are no mountain lions in Ky or__________. "  Fill in the blank where you live.    Anyway no one has been able to completely convince a horse that they are safe from Mt Lions.  But there are other predators.   
Horses have the quickest reaction time of any domestic animal.  That is why one can be sitting in the saddle one minute and kissing dirt the next.  But that is how horses have survived since God created them.  They have the instinct to protect themselves and to live to see another day.  And a horse owner or rider must learn to think like a horse. 
That is what we try to teach people who work and handle horses here on the farm.  For instance, one of the new guys was trying to catch a young filly in a stall to treat an eye injury.  He was walking directly up to her.  She saw a predator.  He wasn't seeing a prey animal.  He was just seeing a horse that needed to be caught.  He may have not caught her all night.  I stepped into the stall with the mare and filly and gave him a quick Clinton Anderson lesson. 
He was holding the mare by her halter.  I started approaching the filly.  Just before she looked like she was going to walk away, I walked away from her.  Then she relaxed, I approached her again.  Approach, retreat, approach, retreat.  I did that several times until she finally let me touch her and scratch her shoulder and rub her back.  Everybody enjoys a good back rub and so did It's an Honor (the filly's name). 
So she was caught and Andy learned a little about how to approach a horse.  It may take him time to get the approach and retreat thing down where he can actually do it.  I did not look at her.  If I did, I would be acting like a predator.
We can learn so many lessons from horses.  For instance, I can draw a parallel to our relationship with God.  God approaches us to draw us to Himself.  He wants to be our friend.  But He doesn't force us.  For who can force their friendship on another.  So God will invite us but if we resist, He will leave us alone.  He will keep trying to become our friend but because He has given us free will He will not force us to love and obey Him.  That would not be free will.
But God doesn't give up on the sinner.  Jesus has already paid the price for our sins and it was a huge price.  He died on the cross for our sins so that through our relationship and accepting Him as our Savior we can join Him in Heaven when this life is over. 
Watch your animals.  Especially horses.  Learn the lessons God has placed with them for us.  Lessons to help us learn who He is and His love for us. 
God bless and keep you in His loving care.  May He surround you with His hedge of protection from all the predators that inhabit your world.  And most of all may you come to a saving knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Mary Lipginski

Monday, January 21, 2013

Hi there

Oh NO!! It has been awhile since I wrote a blog and now I don't know how to add a horse picture to my blog.  Perhaps I will learn how to do it before I post this.

It has been awhile since I wrote anything and tonight I was taken to task by a very good friend.  We have been busy around Whispering Oaks Farm.  All of the sudden we find we are exploding with improvements we have made and improvements we hope to make.

Despite vowing to sell horses before I buy more horses, I suddenly realize I have bought a lot of horses.  I was thrilled to be able to buy some really outstanding horses this year.  As usual, Larry had some really good deals that he talked me into.  I doubt I could have been talked into them very easily had they not been quality through and through.  I now own the 2011 foal out of Vera's Autumn's Venture mare by Iron Man.  Her name is VBF's Lady Diana.  I also bought Sweet Southern Thang and Rambling Rose. 

Another day I went to Silver Creek and came home with two outstanding horses from the Monhollens.  They are very dear friends and the two I bought there are Ace of Spade get and are awesome horses.  One is my future stallion.  A black horse named S C Ace's Black Jack.  And a mare named S C Ace's Prefect Lady. 

Then to the mountains where we found a couple of nice horses that needed a little TLC.  And over the river and through the woods and lo and behold there were eight (8) horses that needed a new home.

Off we went to Tennessee to Real Horse Farm where we found VBF Venture's Golden Satin's little sister.  Her name is RHF Eclipse.  I might have named her Red Satin.  She is by Chocolate Venture and out of Unbridled.  She and Satin are both by Chocolate Venture. 

Well enough for this time.  You will be seeing some of these horses in the show ring this year.  And it is about time to start marking your calendar for Show Season.  UMH will soon have a schedule which will include ACTHA rides and fun shows.  Go to for more on that.  That schedule should be up very soon.

I am going to try to add pictures now.  I hope you will be seeing one or more when you read this post.

Wow I did it.  I did it!!  These are some of my favorite pictures.  The top picture is VBF Blue Ridge Mt Girl and her dam LS Mt Wind Socks.  The second is of my gray horse, WOF Ann's Mt Treasure.  The third down is a little boy named Nolin that bought an Arabian gelding I had.  They bonded as soon as they met and then I knew why God had sent me Aladin. 

The next pisture is of Vanessa Crowe and Dixie Belle.  And last but not least is Stanley Tipton on Flair for Fury.  Flair is out of Rebel Rock's Ann and by Venture's Black Fury.

Keep checking back.  There will be more to come.

God bless and keep you in His loving care.

