Yesterday, it was my pleasure to welcome Chris and Stacie Tipton to my home town of Taylorsville. They were on the way to my farm for some dental work for my horses. But first I had three horses for them to work on at a boarding facility near me. The first horse was owned by a man named Marvin and she is a black and white spotted horse by the name of Lucky.
Chris and Stacie went into the barn and went to work. It is quite a deal watching as they floated the horse's teeth. It took some time but finally they were finished. Chris gave some advice on what bit to go to now that the dental work had been done. Then he did two horses for a lady named Theresa.
After he got to my farm he left to visit his brother and family last evening. After spending the night there and doing some dental work for a neighbor this morning they came back to my farm to do the horses I had for them. Since I board horses, I had a couple that were done for my boarders. Then he got to the serious work of doing the teeth on the 20+ year old gelding that I own. It is my charity horse. He was given to me and it was an expensive gift. He is hard to keep weight on and I am forever buying special feed. The vet gives him special shots to put weight on him and still he looks terrible. The teeth work should help.
In the meantime while Chris and Stacie were working on my horses, her phone rang. It was Marvin, the client from yesterday. He could not say enough good about how well his horse has performed since the dental work was done. He said it was like a different horse. Then he also sent me an email thanking me for bringing Chris and Stacie to do the dental work for him. Chris and Stacie worked on several horses here at the farm and checked my yearlings to make sure their teeth were in alignment as they should be.
In appreciation for their long trip from Stanton and a harried two days here, I fixed them a supper of roast beef, carrots and potatoes in the crock pot. I also had some corn on the cob and sliced tomatoes with cottage cheese. For desert there was pineapple upside down cake. They really appreciated the home cooked meal. Chris and Stacie are so easy to please when it comes to home cooking. They are a busy young couple trying to get their new business going in the right direction. I know they don't really take time to eat right. I really like them and it was my pleasure to fix a nice meal for them. So that has been the end of my busy week.
My family went home to Mississippi yesterday and the house is so quiet since they all left. Mike and Natalie are also gone on a trip to West Virginia. I had forgotten how quiet the whole farm used to be when no one was around except me. Steve has my barn rewired and it is a very beautiful job. It is so nice to go to the barn and switch on a light. And it was nice for Chris and Stacie to have a nice plug in to use for their dental equipment.
I have two new followers for my blog. My two daughters in law read my blog now. I had at one time a faulty link and now that I worked the bugs out of that, it is working good and easier to log onto. So I want to welcome them. They are both lovely women. One is a native of Mississippi. Chrissy and Steve met while Steve has been stationed in the Navy in Gulf Port Mississippi. Natalie is a native of Germany and she met Mike when he was stationed in Germany.
We are having a thunderstorm tonight. It isn't such a bad one yet. Holly is still ok. She has a terrible fit when we have a storm. She is our old dog that is 14 years old and she was really Bill's dog. She really loved him. He trained her to do as he wanted her to do and he loved her like everything but he did not allow her to be in charge of the house. He always gave her the last bite of whatever he was eating. She knew he would and she always waited patiently for him to give it to her. Til the day he died, she got whatever he was eating.
Often I say we when I speak of home. I speak in the plural like I am not the only one that lives in this house. Of course, I am not. I have three dogs here with me. I never feel alone at all. I have so many good memories and the company of these dogs. Holly had one last litter of puppies that turned out to be one puppy which was Lilly. Lilly is a yellow lab. She had a litter of 13 puppies in 2007. I gave one to my granddaughter and great granddaughter. Her name is Ericka. Lucy and Melissa ask me to keep her on the farm because they lived in an apartment and it was no place for an active Lab. So I have three labs. They are a house full.
Well it is getting time to crawl in bed. I am tired and ready for sleep and the dogs have already gone to sleep. And of course, they are snoring. The rain is pounding outside and it feels like a good night to sleep.
God bless and keep you in his loving care.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
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