We have been busy gathering supplies for Steve to do the rewiring in the barn. When we lived here the barn had been wired and all the lights were working. I know they had been working after Bill died and I started coming to the farm more. So somewhere between then and to this date they have not worked.
Steve and his son Dalton spent most of the first day tracking down what breaker operated which set of lights or plugs. That took a considerable amount of time. After that was tracked down, they started on the electrical work. Steve and I laid out the plans for where the lights would be and together we planned where we wanted to place the plugs and what kind of plugs. Actually we had already planned that before supplies were purchased. I ask for all weather plugs for inside the barn where horses might be close to them.
We are putting lights over the stalls that can be used for foaling. This will be convenient for checking on mares that are ready to foal. I have two mares that will have their first foals next year. I am fairly certain they will both be alright but they will bear watching.
The family has been together and it has been really nice. We went for years when both sons were deployed to other parts of the world that we were not all together. Now we still have an empty place at our table but our hearts are full of memories he left us. Bill''s memory is still so much alive with us that it seems he is not really gone at all and then......
We had our pool party over the week end and everyone had a great time. The bravest among us went for a swim. They had a really good time but hurried in for dry warm clothes when they came out of the pool. The night air was very chilly. We had left over pork barbecue from the pig roast in June. And plenty of good food to go with it. As aways, someone said, "Mom, bring banana pudding."
Of course the show was this past week end. I would have loved for the two events to have not conflicted but my choice was to be here for the family. I was so very glad to see all of them. The last time we were together was in January when I took the pony to the children. Steve and Chrissy call me a lot so we are in touch by phone. Steve is very faithful about calling. He worries about me mowing the fields but I think he understands how I feel as well as anyone. He loves the field work too.
Steve and a friend of his have a hay baling operation in Mississippi. They bale for neighbors all around them and their part of the hay is sold or fed to their herd of cattle. They have bought a new tractor, a new rake and a new hay baler. They make nice tight bales of hay so their hay is in high demand. They sell or feed all they can bale. Steve is also a Sr Chief in the Navy Seabees. He loves the farming and the Navy both.
Our children were raised on our farm and like me, it is in their blood. My family background is filled with farmers and preachers. It seems like a good combination to me. To farm, one needs a lot of prayers and the dependence on the Lord.
But back to the show results. My yearling filly, Flair for Fury, won the first place in her class. It is, of course the conformation class. S T did a really outstanding job of showing her from my understanding. I know she looked great in the pictures posted on the web.
But Stacie took the show with her win for Versatility Award. She rode 5 different horses to win the award. They included the obstacle course, Country Trail Pleasure class for 2-3 year olds on Velvet, and the Trail pleasure class, on Chocolate Amigo. plus two other classes. She won 1st place in each of the five classes she competed in for the Versatility Award for a perfect score. She and Chris have done a great job of training my two horses I have with them. I am sure everyone else is just as happy or should be. They took a total of 8 horses to the show and won 13-14 1st place ribbons. There were also other placings as well so they had a really good show.
Chris and Stacie were not able to find a groom to take with them for this show so in addition to doing all the showing, they also had to do all the grooming, saddling, cleaning stalls and feeding the horses. I am sure Judy was a very good help but she was also showing. So they had a very busy two days. This is not to sell Debbie short. Debbie is Stacie's mom and goes to a lot of the shows with them but she can't do everything.
Van Berts did very well at the show as well. I have not heard just how well but they are always ready and a force to be contended with in competition. So I am looking forward to my visit to the stable this week to find out just how well they did.
Later everyone
God bless and keep you in his loving care
He (God) crowns the humble with salvation. Psalms149.4
Monday, July 20, 2009
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