O K. I don't know what happened to the picture again. I was trying to post a picture of my truck. It is a cute picture of me and my 5 year old grandson sitting in the cab. We are both wearing our straw hats. Very cute of Stephen. As many of you know, I drive a Silverado . I sold my car and got rid of two other pickup trucks after Bill died and I bought a truck that would pull my horse trailer. So I am a person that really doesn't need a small car.
However, there are many small cars that I would drive and like as well. My son had a red Jetta that I drove some while he was in Iraq the first time. I liked that car very much. It was hard to keep the speed under control. I was stopped twice driving it and one time I was awarded a ticket. It wasn't for a popular Broadway show either. I have also had some small cars in my life time. We owned two Beatles and liked them as well. I also drove a Grand Am. It was small but it was a nice car.
But today I saw a car I wouldn't want to see my worst enemy driving. This thing was a 2 seater with a tiny trunk. I think it was no longer than 6 or 7 feet. I am only guessing there. It was not twice as wide as my four wheeler. It was so small that the tall people that tried it on for size had to double up like an accordion. It was setting in the Sam's Club in Louisville that I was in today.
One woman was thinking out loud about how convenient it would be for her mother. I blurted out my thought on that matter in less than a heart beat. I told her in no uncertain terms that I would never think of letting my Mother drive that thing. She replied that she would only drive it to the doctors office and the local grocery and never go on the freeway with it.
That thing is a death trap. It doesn't matter where you are if a school bus hits you or a truck the size of mine. Or God forbid, a full size car or a garbage truck. I know it is cool to think we are saving the planet by using cars that get 41 miles to the gallon on the highway. Mike's Jetta was very efficient on gas and a nice size car too. The price tag on the thing read something like $14,000 but for Sam's Club member the price read around $9,000. I figure in the long run it would cost over $14,000. $9,000 for the car and a hefty chunk for the funeral.
I just can't understand all this stuff that is being put before us today or why we are not more upset than we are. There is a lot of outrage at town hall meetings this month over the health care issue. There should be. Obamacare is not care at all. We can't drill for oil on our own soil. We are advised to buy a tire gauge to save fuel. We are told to use different light bulbs to save energy. We are told we are unpatriotic if we want to drive a bigger car. It goes on and on. Our government wants to control every aspect of our lives. And they are in the process of doing it.
It is not the America that I grew up in. We had a very good childhood. My parents were God fearing Christians. We read the Bible, went to Church and prayed. The flag was honored and respected. Life was cherished. Children were protected. The tenants on our farm were not well paid but they were furnished nice housing, a garden plot and had a tobacco crop to sell at the end of the year. They were also able to raise a beef and hog for meat for the family. Most were hard working people and had a good life.
As I remember it their houses were clean. The children were clean and were encouraged to work hard in school. They were respectful to their elders. For the most part they minded their parents. I really don't remember seeing a lot of bad behavior from the children. Some were more motivated than others, of course. Families worked together for the common good of their households. My sisters and brother and I also worked hard. We had chores to do and the girls helped Mom in the house. We helped can vegetables and helped with the cooking. We also worked in the fields. And we knew we had to bring home good reports from school. We knew if there was bad behavior at school there would be a penalty to pay at home.
Where did we go wrong? We allowed unbelievers to kick God out of school. We listen as people question the Bible. We can't read the Bible in school anymore for fear we will offend someone. Our politicians are corrupt, self serving, power hungry people that will stop at nothing to get elected to another term or for the first time. The Constitution is in the process of being shredded. The politicians in Washington no longer have our best interest at heart. They don't care what we think and they don't care what the Constitution says. They find rights where there are no rights and ignore the rights given to us in the Constitution.
It is not just the little tin can of a car I saw today but it what it represents. It represents an erosion of our freedoms. We are being told what we can drive, what we can eat and soon if it is not stopped how much health care we can have. End of life decisions are about to be made for us. We are told what we know is wrong is right and what we know is right is wrong. You can't say anything about something being wrong because it will offend someone. We are told ponography is free speech but don't mention Jesus Christ.
I think of the man in his eighties that my daughter in law stays with three nights a week. He is suffering from cancer. He is now in the hospital. I think he must have had some blockage that had to be corrected with surgery. He has been found to have heart problems as well. His care is expensive at this stage of his life. If the (no) health care plan goes into law as it is written right now, he would be denied treatment. He would have been denied the surgery and nothing would be done for his heart. But he could according to the President have a pain pill. But no treatment for cancer.
I am sorry. I try to keep this blog light and thoughtful. Tonight, I just can't be light. It was all about that little car that our powers that be think we should drive while they are spending our money for new jets for themselves. So please get involved. Contact your Senators and Congressman. Tell them what they are doing that you don't like. If you feel they are doing the right thing they should know that too. I have a very fine congressman who is conservative and is voting against this insanity. So are my Senators. I need to let them know they are voting the way I would and you need to speak up too before it is too late.
God bless you and keep you in his loving care. God forgive us for our national sins. Pray for our leaders. Pray for our country.
Let us run the race that is before us and never give up
Hebrew 13: 1
Sunday, August 16, 2009
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