Anyway today has been busy again. I rode with Natalie to take her brother Ollie and her son Fabian to the airport in Louisville. She has lived here a year but there are places she doesn't know how to find just yet. Ollie and Fabian have been here for three weeks and today was their day to fly home. Airports are always hard for me. I tend to cry at airports a lot. Today as Ollie and Fabian were ready to depart, there were so many tears and hugs. It was hard to see them leave especially for Natalie. Fabian and Ollie both had tear stained faces and red eyes as they hugged us both and stepped into the security check lane. Natalie had red eyes too as those she loved so much started on their long trip home to Germany.
We watched for as long as we could see them. And then with a final wave goodbye we turned and sadly walked out of the air terminal, quietly got into the car and headed for home. It was a sad moment for Natalie and I am again reminded of all she left to come to America with her husband. Then she left her best friend in Texas and moved to Kentucky where she knew no one. Well of course she had met Mike's family but she didn't know any of us very well.
She and Mike had made an agreement when they moved to Kentucky last year and that was if she was unhappy a year later they would move back to Texas. A year was up in April. By then she had a new home and living on the farm with Mike. She almost swore she would never live on the farm. She saw how much Mike loved the farm and I think she came to like the farm better than she ever though she would. She is a good woman and does want to make Mike happy. She wants him to do what he loves.
I sensed a turning point last fall when she called me one day all excited. She said her friend wanted to sell her a horse. She wanted to buy Romeo and wanted to know if I would be willing to let her keep him here. Of course, I agreed. She loves Romeo and she is riding him and learning how to feed and groom him. She helps me a lot around the farm. Especially last winter when I was away from home because my lights were out. She came out in the bitter cold with me and helped me feed and water the horses.
She has helped build fence once. She said she would never do that again. She wore short pants and the bugs ate her up. She got whelps from the weeds on her legs. It was miserably hot. And her asthma was acting up from the pollen. She was not accustomed to any of those things so she immediately swore off of building fence. But she did help us load and unload hay this summer. I can't even begin to relate to you how much that helped me.
Many days she is at the barn to feed her horse before I finish my morning routine and leave the house. I will find that the cows have been watered and her horse is in the barn eating his grain. Natalie and I have become good friends. I am a fortunate woman to have daughters and sons in law that love me so much. In turn I love them too and I also like each of them very much.
My children all show me so much love and respect. I am such a fortunate woman. I thank and praise God for each of them in my life. He has truly blessed me with such a good family.
Erica finally laid down and went to sleep. So my typing improved a lot when she quit helping. All the dogs are asleep and of course snoring.
I had my show jacket altered in the sleeves and I went to Prospect Ky today to pick that up. There is a tailor there that does such a nice job and I just hate to trust my alterations to anyone else. He and his wife run a little shop there and they are always busy. I had to wait over a week to get it back but it was worth the wait.
I worked at the Post Office there. Our customers swear it is the best post office in the world. I feel that I had a small part in them getting that reputation. I really liked my customers. And when I meet them out somewhere they recognize me and I get lots of hugs. I miss them and I miss my Postmaster and co-workers
I visited there today while I was in Prospect. I was really glad to see all my co-workers. We all go along really well and cared for and respected each other. It was a unique working environment. La Donna likes coffee very much. So I stopped at the little restaurant where I often ate and bought her a cup of coffee. I also brought her coffee a lot after lunch when I was still working and always kidded that I was kissing up. I just genuinely liked her and liked to do small things like that for her because she appreciated it so much.
She always made me feel very special. She always told me I was the best window clerk that she had ever had working for her. She knew I would not bother her with stuff I could handle at the window without her. I was the one everyone else wanted to see with those difficult customers. I had learned early in my career that they may be upset because of what had gone wrong before they got to the post office. I could diffuse most of them by just listening and being sympathetic with them over their supposed wrong. Most of the time they were just having a "what is happening to my world day". I had one of those recently. By the time they left, most were in a better mood and thinking their post office was the most wonderful in the world.
We learned the names of our customers. We knew about their families. We sympathized with them over the loss of loved one and rejoiced with them over happy events in their lives. We liked them and let them know it. At Christmas our office was filled with all kinds of good things to eat the customers had brought in for us. I missed those that passed away and I no longer saw. Many had gotten to be good friends as well as customers. So it was a visit I was glad I could make today. I did not have long to stay since I was meeting Natalie and her family to go to the airport but I left feeling refreshed and happy that I could see them again and catch up on their families.
Another day I will have to tell you about La Donna's talented daughter Kristen Leigh. She is a very talented musician and has a wonderful voice.
But until another day, God bless you and keep you in his loving care.
My son forget not my law, but let thine heart keep my commandments. For length of days, and long life, and peace, shall they add to thee.
Proverbs 3: 1-2
"Never approach a bull from the front, a horse from the rear or a fool from any direction."
Cowboy saying
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