Today I was posting some pictures on You Tube and a choose I had was to post it to blogger. I wasn't sure what that meant but it brought me here.
So here I am. If you noticed my title I have an aka in it. Why is Jake's Image referred to as an aka?. I bought some horses to sell and I hadn't really worked with Image so I forgot which one she was. One day I got to looking at her and asked who this one was. She is a pretty chocolate mare with a flaxen mane and tail. So I asked the young man who was working for me what her name was. It soon developed into an argument. Or a friendly discussion is more like what it really was. We discussed the horse being this one or that one. It got so bad it was suggested someone had dropped this horse at the farm. I thought it couldn't be that. So I pulled tail hair and sent it to RMHA. Cyndee Davis called me with the results. She said, "Mary, that is your horse" I asked what is her name. She told me that it was Jake's Image. I turned to Austin and said, "Well you told me that other horse was Jake's Image" So we had a good laugh at ourselves that day.
So any time anybody says to me that they are surprised that I know all the horses I have and know their names, I just smile and nod my head.
It made me start to thinking about God our Father. He knows all of His children by name and He never forgets any one of us.
He tells us in Psalms that He knit us in our mother's womb.
Besides being so wrong to take a human life, that is what is so evil and anti-God about abortion. God knit us in our mother's womb. And before w were born He sent Jesus, His only begotten son, to suffer on the cross to pay for our sins. Now that is our Father in Heaven. He not only created us and knit us together in our mother's womb but He sacrificed His own son to deliver us from hell.
That is not all He does for us. Each day He provides for us. We have food to eat and clothes to wear and a roof over our heads. My lights stay on and my water continues to run out of the facet when I cook or shower. He is merciful. He is the ever loving God and Father. Creator of all things.
And that is why some days I break out in song. "I've got the joy, joy, joy down in my heart" Or "Oh how I love Jesus. Because He first loved me" Or how about the children's song we all should know so well. "Jesus loves me this I know. For the Bible tell me so"
I love you all and don't forget Jesus loves you too. In spite of who you are or what you have done He died for you too.
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