Friday, August 28, 2009

A Crazy Day

With horses like this do I really want to take a chance on dangerous fencing? This is Dock's Velvet. A daughter of Choco Dock. A two year old filly who has secured the high point award this year for 2-3 year old Country Trail Pleasure.

The phone rang early this morning. It was my son Mike. First thing out of his mouth was, "Mom the horses are all out". I didn't stop to ask how, I just hurriedly brushed my teeth got dressed and went to the barn. I hastily locked the dogs in their crate. I remember a time when they were all "helping" with the livestock and it was no help.

We had a storm that blew through yesterday that was really something. Although I don't remember the lightening being terribly bad, I do remember the wind really blowing. It blew more limbs off of my few remaining trees in the yard and blew some other things around that weren't tied down.

So we went out with feed buckets in hand and rounded up the horses. I am not real sure how long they had been out. We knew how they got out but not how the fence got torn down. The wind blew awfully hard so we are guessing that it scared them and they started running and ran through the fence. Thank God we use rope fence. It would have been bad enough had it wrapped around their legs but had it been barbed wire or thin wire the damage could have been devastating.

I really like rope for electric fence. We all know that nothing is perfect and it all has some drawbacks. I did a lot of research on fencing before we started putting up fence for the horses. I liked rope best. And it has been really good fencing. It is very easy to put up. A good current runs through it so it keeps the horses safely in where they belong (most of the time). In the event of something happening as it did last night, the horses are not as likely to get hurt. That is the best part of it. It is not overly expensive when you consider all the cost involved. I figure in the cost of a good horse in the equation.

Today, my grandson, Edward Zinsius took his oath to begin his service to our country in the U S Navy. I was not able to be there. (You know, horses out) I am so proud of him. Edward has always had a special place in my heart. He was a sweet little boy and he has grown up to be a fine young man. At his Grandpa's funeral he read an essay he had written about his experiences with his Pa. He loved his Pa very much and he listened and learned from Bill as he taught him things that would serve him well the rest of his life. He knew his Grandpa had served during the Korean War and Edward admired him for that and many other good reasons.

I always thank soldiers that I meet where ever I meet them. Today I want to congratulate Edward and thank him so much for the service he is providing to our country. It is young men and women like Edward that keep our country safe. They fight for freedom where ever it is threatened. So thank you so much Edward and all the men and women in the armed forces.

Soon we will be at the horse show. We won't worry about much of anything except where our horses will place in the competition and do we have another helping of the Amish ice cream and if we don't hurry will it be all gone. We won't think about the price these special people pay so we have the freedom and liberty to come and go as we please. To move from one place to another. To drive the car we want. We take for granted the fine health care we have, the standard of living like no other in the world. We don't stop to think the price that was paid for all we enjoy today.

So while we are at the horse show or where ever you may spend this Labor Day weekend, stop to thank God for the freedoms we have. Ask him to bless and keep in his loving care the men and women who are serving in the military to keep us safe from harm.

Then thank all the military men and women you meet for their service to our country. For the sacrifices they make. For the times they do not get to come home at night to their families. Some where tonight soldiers are patrolling out in the dangerous world. Bless them in your prayers and ask God to forgive us of our national sins and ask him to continue to bless America.

So later everyone. I am really looking forward to seeing you at the horse show. Melissa is riding again in the Country Trail Pleasure 11 and under class. I am looking forward to seeing her do that.

God bless and keep you in his loving and tender care.



"Politicians are like the bones of a horse's fore shoulder---not a straight bone in it."

~~Wendell Phillips, speech, July 1864~~

Thine word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.

Blessed are thou, oh Lord, teach me thy statuetes.

Psalms 119: 11-12


  1. Broken fences can cause no end of problems! We've got a problem with one of the wooden fences at our place. The cows keep breaking in to the backyard. Recently a couple of fine food loving cows got in and did some serious damage to the New Zealand native plants my partner had JUST planted in the garden. Sigh.

  2. The raccons ate our corn and the horses were out several times too. Bo we didn't have a bumper corn crop from the garden this year. Not only that but all our blueberry plants were eaten by a wild lawn mower. So sorry about you Native Plants. I know how you feel
