Sunday, February 22, 2009

More Snow-More Winter

As I write this the dogs are snoring and the furnace is running. All is well and right in the house.

We had another good snow last night. I saw the horses around dusk last night and the wind was blowing hard and they were running for cover. They have a wooded areas in their fields they go to when the weather gets too awful. They were high tailing it there fast last night.

Day light showed me the snow had accumulated pretty good last night. The horses were out shortly thereafter and were glad to see the big bales of hay coming their way. The wind has died down some and they have hit the hay pretty hard.

This is winter in Kentucky. One never knows what to expect as far as the weather goes. I remember one year I washed my windows inside and out on my birthday, February 5. The day was beautiful. It was like an early spring day. This year I was so happy to get my power back on my birthday. It was a great birthday present.

Such is life. I have seen 67 winters now and the weather runs in cycles. I remember back in the 70s the cover of one of the news magazines told us it was a coming ice age. We were all going to end up as blocks of ice according to them. Now it is global warming and we are all going to burn up. So now to cover their bases, they are talking about climate change. Well hello. The climate does change. I have seen it cycle for 67 winters now. Some years there is lots of snow and ponds are frozen so we can ice skate them. I remember one year the Ohio River froze over around Louisville Ky. Some not so smart people took crazy chances and walked across the river on the ice.

So that is my prespective on the weather. We talk a lot about it but no one can do anything about.

Hope you are all staying warm and taking care of yourselves so you don't end up as an ice cube this winter.

God bless you and keep you in his care.

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