Sunday, July 5, 2009

The Little Things

Pictured is S T Tipton with WOF Mountain Spirit. Spirit is a colt out of my mare VBF Mountain Wind Socks
and by Sudden Impact. Spirit is about to go into the yearling colt class at the Stanton Horse Show where a weak link in his chain broke and he was free to run around the arena for a couple of minutes. He gave me some anxious moments but some of the crowd found him very entertaning. A little link, a small thing.
I am happy to report we, Eleanor and I, were able to make the horse show this past week end at the Equine Center in Winchester. The weather turned wet and chilly for our 4th of July celebration. I don't know if I have military people who follow my blog but I want to thank our military both past and present for allowing us to enjoy this holiday in the land of the free another year. Thank you all for the selfless sacrifices you have made for us. And if you know military people remember to thank them for their service.

The horse show was so much fun as usual. I think mostly because I don't do that much. I just enjoy watching and meeting new people and visiting with friends I have made along the way. This show we made a new friend, Alice. She was very sweet and friendly and nice to be around. If you are following the blog Alice, welcome and I want to tell you how much we enjoyed being with you during the horse show.

So what are the little things I am talking about? One is making a new friend and visiting with friends we have made during the time we have been involved in the horse shows. Yesterday, I saw a young girl, I think Kaylee is 11 do an act of kindness that looked like it was just natural for her to do. Eleanor was getting chilly. I had brought her sweater out of the truck and she was already wrapped up in it but still acting cold. Kaylee Tipton pulled her jacket off and wrapped it around Eleanor without any hesitation and insisted that she was not cold. That is how I know that all the younger generation is not selfish, self centered and lazy. I have watched and admired Kaylee for a couple of years now and she is such a nice sweet girl. Her family is doing a great job of raising her. I can't say enough good about her. Oh and besides that, she is a great rider. I wish I was a tenth as good as she is.

Friday at the horse show Larry was very confident the filly from his barn and trainers would place higher than my filly that is trained by Stacie and Chris Tipton. He kept picking at me. It is all in good fun and I love it. He kept telling me their filly would beat my two year old filly in competition. It was a 2-3 year old Country Trail Pleasure class. The class started and they were both making a really good show. I really don't know which would have placed higher but all of the sudden their filly tossed her head a couple of times and my filly ended up placing one place higher than theirs. It is the little things. Larry always says "Pay attention to the little details".

This morning when I checked my horses, I saw that Once a Hobo was limping and holding her foot up like she was in real pain. I walked across the field and picked her foot up. A huge nail was protruding out of the frog of her foot. I pulled on it and came out really easy. It had penetrated her frog about 1/4 of an inch. Nothing real serious but we got advice on treating her foot anyway. We treated her and she still favors it but it is not serious. Tomorrow she will get a tetanus shot. In a few days she will be better and walking normal again. It is attention to the little things. A small injury today could have been worse tomorrow.

This afternoon we walked the field with a magnet and picked up nails and all sorts of metal. Just before we had the pig roast, I had hired a bull dozer to push the remains of a trailer together and dispose of it. Nails and metal had been left in the horse pasture. I am sure that is where Hobo had picked up the nail. With the magnet and picking up other debre, out of the field we filled a wheel barrow. I had not paid attention to the small things in that field. One of my horses had paid a price. If it had been more serious I would have paid a bigger price and so would she.

It is little things. Little things that can cause big trouble. Little things that can make someone smile and feel good. Little things that can make the difference between being cold or having an extra coat to ward off the chill. Life is so seldom made up of big events. The wedding, graduation from college, first job or winning that big class in the horse show are all big things but it is the little things in every day life that makes us the happiest. A smile from the most important person in your life, a compliment from a friend, a pat on the back by the boss. Any number of little things that make life interesting and pleasant.

May you have days and weeks be full of little things that will make yours a big successful life.

God bless and keep you in his loving care.

With kind regards


I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil to give you an expected end. Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you. Jeremiah 29 11-12

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